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Large format work for 4 dancers

Black box /Italian theater

Aimed at young people and adults

*** Work produced by the Contemporary Dance Laboratory of Autonomous University of Nuevo León

"Esta pieza surge dese el ejercicio de reconocer mis actitudes machistas y misóginas; reconocer al agresor en mi, reconocer la forma en que fui educado, de reconocer que mis sentimientos y placeres han sido silenciados por una sociedad patriarcal de la cuál yo soy responsable por haber nacido hombre."Daniel Luis

"I question my own macho and misogynistic attitudes; an exercise where I recognize the aggressor in me and the way I was raised, to acknowledge that my feelings and pleasures have been silence by a patriarchal society; the illegitimate privilege to born as a male." Daniel Luis

This performance project takes the concept of Mexican masculinity from a diverse perspective, naming hegemonic symbols and playing with them. It questions the gender constructs about male interaction, with 4 bodies in the space, through a series of light installations composed of 5 islands. Finally, it takes the concept of plant caring as a symbolic way of talking about hygiene in male identifying bodies.


“A taste of artificial mint” celebrates our bodies as how they are; it welcomes to think about the social constrains of masculinity and to find other approaches to a safe identity expression.


This creation was produced and commissioned by "Laboratorio de Danza Contemporánea de la UANL" led by University of Nuevo León, a production center for the performing arts in Monterrey City in Mexico, under the direction of choreographer Aurora Buensuceso. The creation process started in March 2021 and it premiered in October 2021 at "Teatro Universitario UANL” and live streamed from "CulturaUANL" and local channel 53 of UANL.


Artistic direction and choreography: Daniel Luis *
Creators on stage: Sergio Lara, Daniel Martínez, Jonathan Rodríguez and Erick Rodríguez

Dramaturgy Advice and Regisseur: José Olivares
Original music score: Eusebio Sánchez
Lighting and stage design: Jesús Giles
Styling and garnment dessign: Melissa Lucio
Director of lighting devices: Carlos Bocanegra
Technical and video director: Lissette Armendáriz
Camera director: Enrique Beas
Photography: Fatima de León
Production: Contemporary Dance Laboratory of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Special thanks to Aurora Buensuceso, Guadalupe Montiel, Mirna Solis, Fe Rangel, Antonio Luis.

* Beneficiary of the Young Creators program of the Support System for Creation and Cultural Projects Mexico (FONCA), issue 2020-2021.

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